American Animal Control
American Animal Control

Raccoon Removal and Control Experts
General Raccoon Biology
The raccoon is easily recognizable by its mask and ringed tail and is often referred to as a "masked bandit". The mask may enhance its vision at night and is also believed to reduce glare when camouflaging itself from predators. Its bushy tail, about 8-12 inches in length, is used as a fat storage (particularly during the winter time), to balance itself when climbing, and to brace itself when sitting up.
The average weight of a raccoon is 12-20 pounds. Their front paws are very sensitive and manipulative. They can identify an object before touching it (because of special hairs above their claws) and have the ability to open jars, garbage cans, doors, and even complex locks. Their back legs are short compared to their torso, making it difficult for them to run quickly or jump great distances and their hind feet can rotate (point backwards), making it easy for them to climb down a tree headfirst. Raccoons can cool their bodies by sweating and panting.
The raccoon is native to North America and was later introduced to other countries, including Japan and the European mainland. They prefer living in heavily wooded areas near rivers, lakes, or streams but can survive in many regions, including coastal marshes, mountainous areas, and even urban areas. They are the most common wildlife species to live in towns and cities.
The raccoon feeds on plants and animals. They prefer fruit and nuts but will also eat grain, insects, worms, fish, birds, garbage, and even bark when times are tough.Before eating, the raccoon is sometimes seen rubbing the food between its paws and even dipping it into water, as though it was washing it. Researchers don't believe they are washing it but suggest they may be examining it and removing any unwanted parts. Water is thought to increase their sense of touch.
The raccoon is usually nocturnal but can be seen active during the day. The male adult is usually unsociable with other raccoons except during the mating season. Some unrelated males will form a loose group (usually no more than four) to keep outsiders away. Related females are more sociable with one another.
Breeding occurs mostly between the months of January and March. The male raccoon will mate with more than one female and will have no part in raising the young. The female will give birth to one liter per year. The size of a liter can range from 1-8 kits (also called cubs) but the average size is 3-4.